CBSE Board will soon release sample papers for class 10th and 12th board exams 2024-25. In the last few years, CBSE used to release sample papers for children by the month of July. It is expected that this year’s sample papers will be uploaded soon.

CBSE Board Exam 2025: The dates of Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) class 10th and 12th board examinations have already been announced. At the same time, the complete date sheet will be released by December. Earlier, CBSE has changed the Agima exam pattern. Students who will appear for class 11th or 12th examination in the 2024-25 academic session will have to prepare their study plan based on the new exam pattern.
What changes did CBSE make in the exam pattern?
CBSE has decided that the long answer and short answer questions in the exam will be reduced so that the weightage from the students can be reduced. Instead, more competency based questions will be asked in the paper i.e. more focus will be given on MCQs questions in the paper. Concept based questions include multiple choice questions, case-based and source-based integrated questions.
Till now 40 percent of the questions in the 11th and 12th examinations were concept based, but now in the new session i.e. 2024-25 examinations, concept based questions have been increased to 50 percent. At the same time, 40 percent of the questions in the paper were long answer and short answer, which has now been reduced to 30 percent.
Sample papers will be released soon
The board will soon release sample papers for CBSE class 10th and 12th board exams 2024-25. In the last few years, CBSE used to release sample papers for students by July. It is expected that this year’s sample papers will be uploaded soon. CBSE has not yet announced the official date of release of sample papers, but it is expected to be released by the first week of September.
Benefit of sample papers
Sample papers can prove to be helpful for students in the exam. These papers help students understand the pattern of the final paper. This lets them know what kind of questions can be asked and what kind of preparation they will have to do. Solving sample papers helps students identify their weaknesses and improve them. CBSE Board releases sample papers for students well before the exam so that students can prepare for the exam. This year too, students are waiting for the sample paper.