You want to change your username when you have thought of a better username or when you want to change the way you present yourself to the world. You can find your username at the top of your Instagram profile. To change Instagram username, firstly sign in to your account from mobile or browser, then change your username from Profile->Edit Profile->Change Username. Instagram allows you to change the username for an unlimited number of times.

Guidelines for Instagram usernames:
- It must be unique.
- It should be consist of 30 or less characters.
- Contains just capital letters, numerals, punctuation, and underscores.
Change Instagram Username-
On App
- Open the Instagram App.
- Navigate to your profile.
- Open Edit Profile.
- Click on Username.
- Remove your current username and then type a new Username.
- Click on “Done”.
On Desktop
- Open the Instagram through URL “”.
- Sign IN to your profile.
- From the top right corner, click on the Profile symbol.
- Choose “Profile”.
- Then select “Edit Profile”.
- Change current Username and enter the new one.
- Click “Submit”.